Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Moai

Located in the Easter Island, those magnificent monumental statues have been protecting the land for many many years.

They were built by the locals, known as the Rapa Nui people.
Many archeologists visited the island in order to find out how those statues were built, but more importantly how they were transferred and lifted in specific locations.
After many trial and error methods, the archeologists and the locals found a way of recreating those statues using volcano's cold lava, lifting them to a base using only ropes and wood, sliding this base on trunks of trees, and slowly moving those statues to their designated locations.
It took a lot of time and men power. But they made it happen.
Who were the geniuses behind those monuments? And what was the purpose of them?
Little is known about the Rapa Nui people. But here's what I managed to gather about them...

The Rapa Nui people migrated to the island between 300 - 1200 AD. After examining their DNA from discovered skeletons, they have been genetically connected to European and Amerindian people. And hence historians believe that they could have migrated from afar land.

The Rapa Nui were very organized and structured. They had a hierarchy which was led by the God Matatoa, followed by the King and Priests.
The people believed in a power called "Mana" which came from Matatoa. This Mana was to protect the Island from foreigners, to protect the locals from other Islanders, to fertile the land and soil and enhance agriculture, to be prosperous and healthy.
The Moai were built as representatives and decedents of Matatoa. If you look carefully, some of the statues have bright white eyes. It was believed that through these eyes, or "Mata", the statues can use the Mana to protect the people.
It was a good era for the Rapa Nui for they have divided the Easter Island and formed different clans. On the base of the Moai, the archeologists found several symbols representing the different divisions. Some of them had a hook, which represented the Mipu, which was where the Royal family stayed, others had trees, representing the clan that was in the middle of the Island, etc
As the population grew, famine became an inevitable problem.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Archimede, the man who ran naked in the streets!

Yes, the famous Archimede who we all know him through his famous word: "Eureka! Eureka!"
What was his true story? and what secret did he hide in his manuscript?
The story apparently begins in 287 BC. He was asked by the king of Sicily to inspect the golden crown, claiming that some silver has been injected in it, hence not a purely golden crown.
While immersing in the bath tub, preparing for a long hot shower, Archimede realized that the level of the water increased the more he dug deeper. Hence the addition of his body to a once static element, increased the volume of the latter. And that was when he ran off the streets of Italy, naked, screaming that he found the solution, Eureka!!
He managed to catch the smith and prove that he was a fraud, he got famous for his genius methods.
Sooner later, he became more famous through his ideas for army machinery. The Romans feared him the most, he never ceased to amaze them and beat them during random attacks.
He was also the genius behind π, the famous mathematical constant which confused us all during a certain period of time.
His witnessed miracles, inventions, ideas, functions, discoveries led the Romans to gain interest in him and want him for their own.
They sent an army to attack the city, while our famous hero was in his chamber drawing several mathematical shapes. A soldier walked in on him and when Archimede noticed him he immediately yelled: "Do Not Disturb The Circles!!"
The soldier immediately drew out his sword and stabbed the famous naked man who managed to leave  an eternal impact on our lives.
Archimede's last manuscript was then lost in time. His death was followed by the Dark Age, where mathematics and science were put aside, and people were contaminated by the so-called 'stupidness' disease - which we still suffer from till this day.
The 1th century was called the Renaissance Age, where geniuses where born and discoveries were made. Some of the greatest artists, philosophers, astronomers, scientists appeared during this era. It wasn't till after all this time that a manuscript was found in the Middle East.
This manuscript contained some buried secrets which were slowly vanishing. Having traveled all the way to the Middle East, it was guarded in a library where monks used to retreat to and write down prayers.
Those monks ran out of paper, and needed something to write on their wishes and dreams. They took the manuscript, folded the papers several times, soaked it, and managed to reduce the density of Archimede's ink.
They then wrote on top of those lost letters, and almost whipped them out of existence.
Fortunately for all of us, the manuscript ended up in a library in Constantinople, where a Greek expert set eyes on it and found several lines that could only belong to the famous Archimede.
It is said that if the manuscript was found during the 15th century, mathematics would've taken a different route. Archimede's mathematical methods would've made today's math more developed - Thank God it was recently found!

Queen Sheba

I recently watched a documentary about the great Queen Sheba.
Back during the reign of King Solomon, there used to be a Queen called Sheba. She lived in the heart of the Arabian desert, in Yemen.
Sheba was known for being so beautiful and mesmerizing. Her people loved her and followed her every command. She was the first female to rule a country in the Arabian World, and she was a powerful creature.
Setting the throne as her goal, the former King was her target. It is said that she planned a conspiracy against him and managed to replace him and take the crown.
The Queen, just like any historical authority figure, had believes and idols.
Late at night, about two hours from the main city, Queen Sheba used to sneak into her red hooded cape and walk to her favorite place in the desert.
Guarded by walls and hid in a maze, the Great Taurus Temple lay surrounded by statues of different animals.
The Taurus was a symbol of power, authority, roughness, assertiveness, sincerity, courage, victory, dominance, and fearless. The big Taurus sculpture was surrounded by burning incense sticks which gave him a 'grandiose' effect.
Queen Sheba, as depicted, would kneel and kiss the God's feet, asking him for mercy and forgiveness.
Sitting on his throne in another land, King Solomon was known for his ability to speak to animals. His gift has helped him reach out to people and invited them to follow his beliefs in the Oneness of the Almighty God.
Interested in spreading his message, King Solomon sent a bird to see where other humans could be found. Flying to the South, the bird sees smoke in the middle of the desert. Lowering his wings, he manages to witness a beautiful woman ruling an entire kingdom. The Queen and her people were pagans, and the Great Taurus was their savior.

The Beginning...

I've always been a fan of history, religion, ancient civilizations, psychology, and meditation.
Having so many interests, I tend to read different kinds of books and watch a lot of documentaries and take notes on the side.
I decided to start sharing my notes regarding the different books and documentaries I encounter, and summarize them for people with similar interests.
The World is filled with buried information and secrets which should be shared and highlighted.
Here's a blog about the Past...